Wednesday 22 June 2016

Creating a resume for a fresher

Creating a fresher’s resume is nothing less than a challenge. To present all your academic achievements and project in a 1 to 2-page resume is the requirement of a resume. But making it interesting, highlighting your major achievements that can fetch you the job and including the keywords without stuffing them to make it searchable by the resume search bots is what resume writing services in India do for you. It is important to start your career the right way with the right company as this experience can take you a long way within a few years. Your very first work experience can guide your career in the right path and you need a sure shot resume to win over the recruiters above the thousands of other resumes that they get along with yours. How to make your resume par excellence so that the recruiters, first of all, are able to find it online, and then they read yours and decide to shortlist for an interview? That’s what we discuss over here. The best way is to get it done by professional CV Writing Services and in the meanwhile, you can read on to know what all you must have in your resume to make sure it hits the right recruiters in the most lucrative way.

Academic Details
As far as a fresher is concerned, the resume is a summary of his or her academic details and the projects done as a part of the academic course. The main part here is to present it in a decent format which is easily readable. You need to be honest here, as your certificates may be checked for authenticity.

Highlight Your Skills
All your relevant skills acquired during your academics and otherwise need to be highlighted. Relevance is important as you may have learned cooking as a hobby and when you are applying for an accountant’s post, cooking cannot be considered as a skill! The Professional resume writing services can help you with highlighting all your relevant skills even if you list them all. Who knows, you may win a cooking competition in your accounting firm 3 months down the lane!

Highlight your Academic achievements and awards
All your awards and certificates received during your academic years can be listed out to your favor. It will show how diligent you were as a student and that you are a good learner which is important in all careers. If you were a part of any team activities such as exhibitions, quiz, fund-raising programs and the like, you can also mention the same as they showcase that you are a good team player and / or a team leader.

Include Keywords
Keywords are something a normal person would not think of, particularly the freshers, while creating their resume. If you thought Keywords are important only for SEO, that’s exactly what is required in your resume too if you want it to be searched online. Every recruiter uses search bots for collecting resumes available from the vast online repository and only those with the right keywords are usually listed in the SERPs for a matching resume. Here again, your professional resume writing services in India will come to your help by including the relevant keywords to your resume to make it search engine optimized. Each industry uses a different set of keywords and each position has a different set too. So if you are looking for a particular post in a particular industry, ask your professional resume writer from resume writing services in India to include keywords relevant to that.

Include only relevant personal details

Most of the resumes include the personal details of the candidates such as their marital status and family member’s details which have got nothing to do with the recruiters. In fact, many companies tend to reject such resumes that have too much of personal data revealed, including the passport details. Remember that all these details are available online and can be used against you by fraudsters. So make sure that you reveal only the basic details such as your name and contact details. You will be called for an interview based on your educational qualifications and skill sets only. The recruiters can always contact you if they shortlist your resume and ask for more details if they need them for further processing.

Let your recruiters know why you are the perfect candidate for the job

This is the main highlight of a professionally done resume. Every recruiter is looking at thousands of resumes to find some basic qualities that match their requirements. You can highlight why your profile is the perfect match for the job requirement which can win you an interview call without fail. Professional CV Writing services in India can help you map your skill sets with what the company is looking for and highlight the same for better prospects of getting shortlisted for an interview.

Create and manage LinkedIn profile
Many recruiters are looking at the LinkedIn profiles of shortlisted candidates available online before they actually call them for an interview. Some companies shortlist candidates only from LinkedIn and hence, it is important to have a live and refreshing LinkedIn profile with the skill sets and keywords that make you more visible to the recruiters. The professional CV writers can also help you with creating a decent LinkedIn profile.

Create an Online Resume
This is another important aspect of job searching these days. Most of the techies have their own website and have showcased their Resume online with images and even videos. You can ask your professional CV writing services India to create an online resume for you which has the keywords and is presented in a trending way which can get you more interview calls.

Getting an interview call is the most important step towards starting a great career and a smart resume can do just that for you. Get professional  resume writing services in India help with creating and managing your resume and consider it as a career investment.

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