Tuesday 15 March 2016

Art of Letter Writing


Every  person are  aware about good letter writing, but while  writing the letter we must make sure that  it is  clear and readable. Every one must have undergone a situation to write down a business letters and must have faced some problem writing down an important letter. The art of letter writing is not ornamental but it is some important knowledge that every educated person should acquire in his life. Letters actually messages which has certain formats.  Never neglect the format that should be followed while writing the letter because they show the sign of ignorance as well as carelessness in your character. There different type of letter such as friendly letter, business letters, etc .
 Each of this letter has its own particular formats. While writing the letter five points to be noted down:
* Heading : It should contain at first the writers address then the date.
* Greeting or Salutation
* Body of Message : This is the main part which convey the message to the reader.
* Conclusion / Subscription
* The signature or Name Of Writer


Every letter should start with the heading, which conveys the reader about the writer and when he wrote it. Where should contain the writers full detail , which will provide the reader all details so that he can reply back to him.   The when is used to identify the date on which the letter is been written.  

 An example is shown below.

                        Rose Vila
                        Lucknow ,
                        15 December, 2015

  The date shown in the heading can be written in different way.
                        15 December 2015                
                        15 Th December 2015
                        December 15,2015   

Salutation/ Greeting

The way salutation is to be used depend on the relation to the person you are writing the letter. If you are writing letter to your family member then you can use : Dear Father, My Dear Father, Dear Aunt, Dear Thomas etc. To your close friends: Dear George. For business purpose Dear Sir, Dear Sirs. 

 Body Of Letter

This the letter as such what you want  to convey to the reader. While writing the the letter you should be careful about the formats used . The official letter and friendly letter are entirely different. While  Best Cover Letter Writing is done only Official Communication should be done. Divide your letter always into paragraph where each paragraph convey different messages. Always use simple and direct language so that message can be easily conveyed to the reader.Make sure that your letter is always complete never keep any thing conveyed to the reader. Always write neatly so that reader can understand it fast. Always use punctuation in between like commas, semicolons, and full stops.


Never stop the letter without any conclusion. Without concluding your letter feel rude so use polite leave-taking formats at the end. Some formats are : Yours Sincerely, Your Sincere Friend, Yours Faithfully etc.

The Signature Or Name Of Writer

The Signature and Name should be included below the subscription . See format given below.
                       Yours sincerely,

The letters to stranger this part is definite, because the reader may know only to him he need to address while replying.


Letters are divided into different categories according to there purposes. Letters mainly divided into two categories which are Social letter and business letter. Social letter includes friendly letter and notes which invites your friends for a function etc. The other category is the Business Letter which include Cover Letter Writing for your application, letter to government officers which are official letters, Letters send to Newspapers etc.For each of this type of letters various formats need to be followed.

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